Can we all take a minute to work on one word. BUSY. That is the word that describes my weekend. Now, normally I like to keep my weekends pretty low-key since during the week I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. But sometimes you don't get much say in things.
Friday I had errands to run, grocery store, boring boring. Saturday we got up and had to head down to my Parent's house to celebrate my mom's birthday. Then on the way home (lily napped and was an ANGEL all day) we stopped at Sam's Club and spent a small fortune. (we always do there) Then we headed to Best Buy to pick up some ink cartridges and then home. Sunday I got up when Adam did for work since the monster was awake (hey I'm not complaining she slept all night otherwise) And her and I had breakfast and watched some Mission: Organization, which always gets me motivated to organize. Then while Lily was taking her morning nap I relaxed and got some laundry started. Then my friend Nicolle and her baby Kayden came over and we went down to the basement (shudder) It was a scary place. Boxes strewn all over the place with no rhyme or reason as to where or what they were for. So I dug in. Here are photos for proof of the before mess:
So I just get going and then Kayden had to eat, and Lily saw the bottle and it was all down hill from there. So we took a break, fed the kiddos, I got L-mon down for a nap and then we headed back down. Managed to get some stuff sorted through and actually put the boxes of stuff ON the shelves we had down there. So there is a lot more room down there now. So here is the after:
And this is after I picked up a rug and brought the other computer and desk downstairs. Lots of work but hopefully it will result in more room upstairs.
Then after a nice day with Nicolle and the babies I got Lily down for another nap and got ready. When Adam got home we headed over to his grandma's house for a combo Valentine's/Birthday party. Lily of course was a big hit with TONS of comments about how cute she was and how little she was and of course, how Smiley she was.
So all in all a great weekend and I can't complain about that.
PLUS I weighed in this morning. Down another .6! Yippee! That made me pretty happy. .6 may not seem like a lot but it's way better than gaining or even maintaining. All those little amounts eventually add up to BIG amounts!
Wow, that rug made a HUGE difference down there! I really like how it looks. I hope it helps give you the room you want upstairs.
Great job Miranda. What a great use of space! I would be down there all the time now, it is so clean and nice!
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